Aaron was freaking out last night!! He was so happy that Cruise is starting to walk. To me it marks the day that he is not my little baby anymore, now he is a toddler. I guess its time to have another. wink wink..
This is our little Cruiser or should I say big? He just turned 8 months old and is learning so much! Just the other day he started to wave and clap his hands! He is so amazing and I love having this little boy!
Heres our Little Girl! She just turned four and I cant believe that she is getting so big! She suprises Aaron and I everyday with new things and some bad things! lol She is such a Beautiful little girl and with my over friendly personality! But its great, She is in Lana Lathams Pre-School and loves everyminute she is there. Sometimes we cant get her to want to come home!